Tuesday, April 9, 2013

What a Week!

     Today is a great day!  I have a weight problem and have dealt with it all my life.  Family always told me I was a little chubby, or even fat.  These thoughts have stayed with me no matter how I tried to get them out of my head.  I have been dreaming about my mom calling me fat.  this is the third summer since she passed away.  The feelings and emotions are very strong. 
     Throughout my life I have lost weight, so many times).  Even when I felt good about myself, and looked good, I could not enjoy it because I always felt FAT.  If I forgot this, I was reminded when I went home.  Later in mom's life, she did compliment me when I lost some weight.  She also said I did good.  Next thing I know the dreadful word came out.
     Maybe it was not as bad as I remember,  Maybe it wasn't as often as I remember.  Recently I was talking to my sister and she said "you were always a little chubby".  Now all in my family are overweight.   Maybe she said something to them also.  I did not live close so I don't know.
    So, I decided I would be fat.  I should say that differently.  I used these feelings to gain more weight.  At one time I even said to myself, "Well since they all think I am fat, I will just be fat"
Them I gained more weight.
     I did well at 24 hour fitness and lost inches but the weight stayed the same.  I w. as looking better and feeling better.  Then, mom passed.  Next summer we did as she wished with her ashes.  A dear friend of mine died from cancer.  I got lost in my emotions and used food, as always, to try and heal the pain. 
     Well I've been thinking, hubby would say that is a wonder, about losing the weight.  About feeling better  and healthier.  I now have a almost 6 year old granddaughter, I have a wonderful son and daughter-in-law.  My hubby is the greatest!  He has gone through tragidies and celebrations with me.  He has been by my side for 37 years.  We went thru many a bad year.  At times we hated each other.  We both thought our suicide would be best for our partner.  Even then, there was something between us that neither understood.  Today we call it a deep love for one another.  A love that at times we didn't even recognize.  I am blessed to have him by my side.
   Today we went to Medifast.  Today is the first day of the rest of my life.  I am doing their program.  I could not do it without the help of my husband and my family and my very special friends.

    While I was with mom, she had deminisa, I called my friends just about every day.  It broke my heart to spend that time with mom.  It also was the most precious time I have spent with her.  As I look back on my life, I see a lot of mom in me.  I suppose all women do this.  I just did not realize how much like my mom I am.  She use to sit at the kitchen table and look out the window.  I don't know what she was thinking, but, I kinda think at times she was going back over her life.  She wished some things were different.  My dad died when I was about 5 yrs old and my baby brother was 2 weeks old.  She must have been in a terrible depression.  In fact I believe mom was depressed most of her adult life.  She got an income from the railroad because dad was working on the trains when he got hurt and died.  She got to stay home and raise us.  Her mother and uncle lived with us also.  That could not have been easy.  She raised us the best she knew how.  She had no life outside her children.  I think it made her sad at times.  She spent her life waiting on others and really never had a life of her own.  She did have a partner for awhile, she again was waiting on others.  So I forgive her for all that I think she did wrong to me.  I know she loved me and she still does, just from a different place.

     Enough of that.  The fact is, I am on a new path.  In two months I should be 20 lbs lighter and in a year I will have reached my goal.  I set my own goal.  I know where I felt best.    I will never feel good being skinny.  I would feel to thin and bony.  I need a little bit of meat on the bone, as mommy would say.  I am looking forward to feeling better and being healthier.  Looking forward to being able to play with my granddaughter, walk with my son and daughter in law, and hiking with my husband when we go camping.  Today I feel positive and excited!  Tomorrow, or later in the future, I may feel irritable and nasty.  I may want to stop the program and go back to what I have become familiar with.  I may get to feeling down and out.  But, with the support of family and friends I shall bet this and learn how to be alive in new health. 

     I will let you know how it goes.  Oh yeah!  I will have more energy to finish quilts and make more.  Plus I promised my granddaughter some Barbie clothes.  That's what I get for opening my mouth.  Anyone that knows me, knows how hard it is to keep my mouth shut. LOL.

     Hope your day was as great as mine!  See you'all later. 

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Little Bit of Everything

     Hello everyone!!! It is a good day!  Yesterday I finally got the center of son's quilt completly put together!  Yea
One Block
     The picture is not really good.  Took it from my phone.  I have been hateing this quilt for a long time.  I had to take out two rows because blocks put in wrong and rows attached wrong  Oh woe!  It has been a long grulling time with this quilt.  Well, yesterday I corrected the two rows and put the center together.  After connecting the last row, it was like a light going off!  I fell in love with the quilt.  I know that my son will love it.  I am so happy!!
     Looking at the quilt I can see two other designs.  You porbably can't see them untill I put the whole quilt picture here.  Now I just need to do the Boarders and I am done!  YEA!
    If you look at the title of my blog, you will see that I have corrected the spelling of my title.  Me and my peeps met at one's home and did some sewing.  One of my friends informed me that there were two words misspelled.  I decided to correct the spelling.  It was not hard and I have to admit that it looks better  Thank you friend.
     My friend showed us how to make some crazy quilt blocks.  It was a lot of fun. 

I had so much fun being with my peeps.  Belive it or not, we did not talk much  We just sewed our blocks.  My friends got more blocks done than me.  I belive that I just have to think to much.  One friend said this was a  no thinking project.  Well I find myself thinking a lot.  I am just like hubby and son, we all think to much sometimes.  When we left, we got a bag full of pieces.  Well I got an overflowing bag and the other friend took home about 1/2 bag.
     We had a leak that affected one bathroom and one bedroom.  We need new carpet and the subfloor repaired.  Still have to do floor in my space.  I've been saving my money and I think I just might have enough to start the job.
     That's about it for today.  Working on son's quiltl and maybe make a few more crazy blocks.
You'all have a good day.



Sunday, March 24, 2013

Three rows done!

     I have three rows put together!!!  I have recrereated this quilt several times.  Took it completely apart two times.  I have come to not like this quilt.  Not even a little bit.  Ever like something a lot and then when you have to look at it all the time decide you don't like it as much?

     That is how I feel about this quilt.  I have tore it apart 2X's.  Redesigned it three times.  Thought and worried about it a lot over the last year.  I kinda hoped that my son would not like what I had come up with but he liked it.  So I will finish it, but no bets on how long it will take me to finish.

     After attaching the last row, I will square it and then work on the boarders.  Since I have shrunk the size of the quilt by the way I sewed it, I need to add an extra boarder.

     I will put the boarders together and then quilt them before I had them to my quilt.  Not sure how many boarders or the size of them until I measure the rows put together.

    My friend offered her space and her wonderful skills to help me finish the quilt.  She and my other friend has helped me with every quilt I have created.  I am going to try and finish it myself but I just might be over to her house so I can get it done and out of my house!  What wonderful friends I have.

     No pictures yet.  want to complete the quilt before I take pictures.  Next quilt I will try to post pictures of each step.  Again, no promises.

     Had a water leak in the pipes in one of the bathrooms.  Hubby fixed the pipes and the insurance adjuster will be here Tuesday.  What fun we have.

     I just about have enough money to fix the floor in my work space and the rest of the house.  I am so excited!!!  Had to save it up and it will worth every penny.  Will post pictures when I get it done.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Row's Done for son's quilt and more!

     I finally got the 5 rows done for Son's quilt.  Now I need to decide how to put them together to create the quilt.

     Do I do it the same way as I did the rows?  OR  Do I do it different?  Doing it different requires sitting down and thinking.  That will cause me to get a headache LOL.  

      Some of the strips I cut are not the same width all the way down the strip and I am out of that material.  I have plenty other material to recut the strips.  So I think I will lay the materials down between the rows and see if I like it.  I can scan in the material into the computer and pictures of the rows and then play with them.  Hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..  That sounds like a good idea!

    We have sorry in our house.  Our wonderful companion has gone to the Rainbow Bridge.  He was in a lot of pain.  The Vet took pictures and his leg bone had cracked by the joint in the hip.  Doc was going to do surgery so we left him.  Next day Doc called and told us our friend had cancer and it was all thru his hip.  There was one bubble and it popped.  Only once choice if we were humane.

     Hubby went up to the vet's to tell him goodbye.  I was at the doctors and could not be with him.  He was hubby's friend and went everywhere with him.  They took long walks when we went camping  Our life was blessed with Shadow.

     Friend and I went to fabric warehouses on Friday.  Another friend was suppose to go but she got sick.  We had a lot of fun.  I didn't find what I was looking for, but I found something.  She found BUTTONS!!!!!  She is a button person (that is putting it nicely LOL)  The buttons were cheaper and wonderful!!  We will definitely go back!!

     Had lunch at a little restaurant.  Had great conversation and lots of laughter!  It is always good to be with my peeps, even one peep.  It lifts my spirit and gives me warm fuzzies!!!

You all have a wonderful week.  Hopefully quilt will be done tomorrow.  Tuesday is granddaughter day!!! YEA!!!!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Shadow our lab fur baby

   Thursday we took Shadow to our vet.  He was limping really bad on his right rear leg.  We knew he had hip displasia *arthritis) in both hips.  This time, tho, he has in a lot of pain.  He wouldn't eat or drink.  Did not even want a treat.  We were worried we were going to lose him.  He is 11 years old and appears to be mentally alert until now.

   Now this big boy loves his vet and his vet's office.  He usually gets excited to see everyone.  We had trouble getting him into the 4 runner.  Finally I just told hubby we need to put him in the car.  Well we got him on the floorboard in the front.  He was not happy and he was laying on his sore hip.

   Hubby was giving him pain pills just about every day by now.  We had to take him in for testing before he could get any more.  The vet started to check him out.  He needed to get him to roll over so he could look at the hip.  He started to roll him and Shadow barred his teeth, turned quickly to the vet and if the vet's arm had been closer he would have bit him.  That is how much he was hurting.

   Finally hubby got him to stand.  Shadow had to be muzzled and Hubby held his head between his legs.  Even them he growled.  Yes he was in pain so the doc upped his meds and sent us home.  Hubby started him on the pain pills right away.

   It appeared that the pills were helping him but he still did not want to eat or drink.  I went to spend Saturday night with the granddaughter.  Hubby called me at 7:30 am and told me he did not think Shadow was going to make it.  He said about 2 am Shadow let out a horrible cry of pain.  Hubby got him to quite down and they both went back to sleep.  At least he thought so.  When he got up in the morning Shadow was not in his bed.  Hubby did his normal routine and then went looking for him.

   He found Shadow on the other side of the home all curled up in a corner.  It was freezing.  We have a doggie door and Shadow had not come back in.  Hubby got him in the house and them came for me.  There is a vet right by us and our vet was not open.  We were both thinking that the pain was to great and our Shadow was on his wan to cross the rainbow bridge.

  I went in and asked if they could see our baby, or course I was crying like a baby (which I swore that I would not do).  Yes they saw him and the vet prescribed him some extra pills that would help and suggested we do shots.  He has had success with this treatment so we agreeded.

   Today we went back to the vet's thinking our baby was going to get a shot.  Insted the vet asked if he could have any xrays from our regular vet and he wanted to take more.

   Okay, we left Shadow there.  This afternoon we went back to talk about the xrays. We figured it was bad news and tried to prepare ourselves.  It was bad news.  Shadows bone had cracked and broke away from the joint..  Doc said that he could fix it, he has done it before successfully.  So our baby is at the vets and all drugged.  He should have a good rest tonight.  The surgury is tomorrow.

   If there are no complications, Shadow will be up tomorrow.  We will have to make sure that he walks so the cartlidge can rearrange the bone where it should be.  We are praying there is no cancer.  He will still need pain pills for the rest of his life but the quality of his life will be good.  He talked about hip replacement but we just can't afford that.  Being retired our funds are limited.  We will do everything that we can for him. 

This is Shadow  125 lbs
    He is a wonderful friend and companion.  I would really love to have him around a little bit longer.
It is in Doc's and God's hands now.  If it is his time then I will have to accept that but I can tell you that it will breat my heart.   More tomorrow after the operation.


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Son's Quilt

  Son stopped by and I showed him my blocks.  I was so afraid that he wouldn't like it that I just had to show it to him.

     Here are two blocks completed.  It has been quit a job!  I tore it apart three times, redesigned how to put blocks together 3 times and this is the final.  I hope?
   The colors are nicer than they look in the photo and I think this is the end.   I am so tired looking at this quilt and will be happy when it is done.
     A week and 1/2 ago hubby had hemroid surgery so I have been taking care of him.  He never lets me take care of him so it has be very enjoyable.  He usually does the cooking, keeps me from overeating, and usually does my laundry because I can't lift.  I have enjoyed the cooking and I need laundry done.  Think I will attempt a small amount and wee what happens.  Why I have even vacuumed, took a while but I did it!!!  Am excited to find out what I can do, hubby does such a good job taking care of me.  I love him.
     We are planning our vacation this summer and I want to lose some weight and do some excerising so I will be healther for the trip.  Not spoiling the surprise by telling but will tell that it is going to be the greates vacation we ever had.  We never really had a honeymoon.  We were both in the military and had family to see and things to do.  So.........this will be our honeymoon.  I am so excited.
   Talking with a friend today about quilts and found a new quilter to follow.  Her name is Elisa Wilson and her quilts look like they are 3D and have movement.  They are so cool.  My friend made a quilt using the Melon Block and it is so classy.
Well that is about it for today.  Y'all have a good day!!!!


Sunday, February 17, 2013


  I am so confused abaout blogger.  I now have two blogs maybe three.  Once I do one posting how do I get back in to post something different?  It use to be easy?  Maybe it is just me.  If anyone out there in the blogger world knows what I may be doing wrong or what I can do right?

   First I could not post pictures so I changed to a new blog.  Then I couldn't post to that blog.  In fact I couldn't even get into the blog.

  So not I am let's see what I can do now.

     This is the house I grew up in.  I lived in Delta Colorado from when I was about 6 or 7 untill I graduated high school
      YEA I can post pictures!!!!!    What fun!!!!  Lets see what other pictures I can post.
Shadow aka Buggabo 
Sox aka Little Bit
     Shadow is a 120 lb black/red lab and Sox is a chuchuhua, 10 lbs.  These are pictures of them when we went camping in Colorado.  We go once a year with family and we love it!!!!